Important Phone Numbers
Principal's Message
Welcome to the Eastport Elementary School where an alliance of educators, parents, and students, are dedicated to providing a supportive, safe, and dynamic learning environment. We strive to foster a love for learning in our students and prepare them, both academically and socially, to attain excellence in where they are today and where they are heading in the future. We offer a wide variety of academic programs and a comprehensive social-emotional curriculum to create an atmosphere of learning as well as develop respect for ourselves and others. I’m honored to serve this community as the EES Principal and am looking forward to continuing the great traditions that have been established as well as seeing our students’ continued growth.
Teacher Letters
Third Grade:
Fourth Grade:
Fifth Grade:
Sixth Grade:
School Announcements
Free and Reduced School Meals
District Nurse Packet
Transportation Information

Important Information
Bus transportation: Students are not permitted to go on any other bus than the one that they are assigned to and are required to sit in assigned seats.
Drop-off: If you plan on driving your child to school do not enter campus from Montauk Highway. Please use the student drop-off loop which is located behind the gymnasium, near the playground. The drop-off loop is accessed from Tuttle Avenue.
Dismissal: Dismissal begins at 3:10 pm and buses will leave the premises at 3:15 pm. Please ensure that an adult is present at your bus stop when your child is dropped off. Parents may pick up their children at the end of the day at the doors along Tuttle Avenue. You may park in the spaces behind the gym. Please remember to have proper identification for pick-up, to notify the school via note or phone call to 631.801.3186, and to arrive by 3:10 pm.
Early Dismissal: If there is an emergency or if it is necessary to pickup your child before the end of the school day, please do so prior to 2:35 pm. You will need to park in the visitor spaces in the main lot, not where the buses are lined up. Please send your child to school with a note, when possible, stating that you will be picking them up at a specific time and your child will need to provide this note to their classroom teacher.
Releasing of Students: Children will only be released to parents/guardians or emergency contacts (with prior permission). Photo identification is required when releasing a student from the building.
Absences/Tardiness: Please call 631-801-3186 prior to 10 am if your child is absent. If you don’t notify the school prior to 10 am, you will receive automated calls to any numbers that we have on file.
When your child returns to school from an absence, please send a note indicating the date(s) and reason why they were absent from school.