Students attending Dayton Avenue and Eastport Elementary schools each submitted artwork to be hung in the 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fine Arts and Essay Exhibition sponsored by the New York State Education Department. The artwork, along with submissions from across New York State, are exhibited online at
Each of the works was created as a group project by the entire sixth grade class of the respective buildings. The students learned about Dr. King and his principles of peace and nonviolence and discussed how artists can respond or interpret the civil rights leader’s ideas visually. The two works include quotes, statements and words the students felt embodied Dr. King’s teachings, and each student contributed an origami heart or dove in the design. The silhouettes were completed by Adriana Vargas at Eastport Elementary and Giana Baldwin at Dayton Avenue.
The two murals clearly reflected the message of peace that Dr. King professed during his famous “I Have a Dream” speech and the principles that are ingrained in the culture of Eastport-South Manor students.
Date Added: 1/19/2024